EzyDrain will reduce and kill air borne diseases to keep your home safer

EzyDrain Premium is an antibacterial product that is chemical free and has been scientifically tested against 8 common air borne bacteria that can cause serious health issues.

Below is the list of bacteria including additional facts. EzyDrain has a proven kill rate result in 24 hours of scientific testing and will continue to kill bacteria 24/7 for the life of the product (for many years) and does not require any chemical or antibacterial Top-Up treatments resulting in further expense.

8 Types of Bacteria EzyDrain Premium Kills

Staphylococcus Aureus Lives on the skin or in the nose regardless a person is healthy. It is the leading cause of abscesses (boils), furuncles, cellulitis and responsible for 700,000 Deaths annually. MRSA is common issue and concern in hospitals around the world. The body will not develop long-term immunity, remaining vulnerable to that infection throughout life. Untreated S aureus bacteremia carries a mortality rate that exceeds 80%. The mortality rate of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome is 3-5%. Premium EzyDrain Kill Rates in the first 24hr period = 44.12% and continues to killing 24/7

Staphylococcus Epidermidis Are the most common hospital-acquired infection caused often in patients who have a device implanted or catheter inserted. Infections caused amount to an estimated $ 2 billion annually. 30.4% of infections. Premium EzyDrain Kill Rates in the first 24hr period = 36.29% and continues to killing 24/7

Escherichia Coli A bacteria that normally lives in the intestines of healthy people and animals, infections can be dangerous. E-coli has 6 different strains. A toxin Shinga damages the lining of the small intestine. 265,000 cases in USA - 100 Deaths in USA annually. Premium EzyDrain Kill Rates in the first 24hr period = 42.29% and continues to killing 24/7

Salmonella Choleraesuis Some people with Salmonella infection develop pain in their joints, called reactive arthritis, after the infection has ended. Reactive arthritis can last for months or years and can be difficult to treat. Worldwide from 200 million to 1.3 billion cases - 3 million deaths each year globally. Premium EzyDrain Kill Rates in the first 24hr period = 23.20% and continues to killing 24/7

Klebsiella Pneumoniae In the general community, 5% to 38% of individuals carry the organism in their stool and 1% to 6% in the nasopharynx. a "superbug" that causes a range of diseases and a necrotising process with a predilection for debilitated people.  8% of all hospital-acquired infections.7,900 cases in USA- High mortality rate of approximately 50% even with antimicrobial therapy. 520 deaths in USA - 100,000 deaths in children per year worldwide. Premium EzyDrain Kill Rates in the first 24hr period = 23.15% and continues to killing 24/7

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa A germ that can cause infections in humans, and can be spread to people in healthcare settings 32,600 cases found each year in the USA – with 5-6 billion worldwide Cases - in both the USA 2,700 deaths and Worldwide over 3.5 million deaths occur annually. Premium EzyDrain Kill Rates in the first 24hr period = 35.76%  and continues to killing 24/7

Bacillus Cereus Anthrax remains the best-known Bacillus disease, recently other Bacillus species have been implicated in infections of Abscesses, Bacteremia/Septicemia, Wound, Burn and Ear Infections, Endocarditis, Meningitis, Ophthalmitis, Osteomyelitis and Peritonitis. Over 373,531 cases occur in USA each year. Premium EzyDrain Kill Rates in the first 24hr period = 24.53% and continues to killing 24/7

Enterococcus Faecalis A survey identified Enterococcus Faecalis was Responsible of 80% of human infections the species have a broad range of resistance genes. Premium EzyDrain Kill Rates in the first 24hr period = 25.50% and continues to killing 24/7